Fuat Tosyalı
Fuat Tosyalı, the founder and the chairman of Tosyalı Holding, which is operating in 3
different continents with nearly 40 production facilities and nearly 15.000 employees, was
born in 1961. Starting his business life as an apprentice in his father’s Hacı Şerif Tosyalı pipe
store in 1967, he took over the business in the 70s. Fuat Tosyalı founded the companies
Tosyalı Metal Trade in 1988, Tosyalı lronandSteelCompany in 1993 andTosyalı lnternational
Trade in1996.
Following domestic and international market growth in varying steel segments, Fuat Tosyalı
initiated the institutionalization of the group by founding Tosyalı Holding in 1998 as a
progressive step in the group's history. Since then, Fuat Tosyalı hasbeen serving
astheChairman of Tosyalı Holding Board of Directors.
As chairman, he played a leading role in drawing the path to open the doors to global
markets & international cooperations. Tosyalı Algérie (2011) which, is the biggest investment
of Türkiye abroad, Tosçelik Niksic Montenegro (2012), Tosyalı Toyo (2012) - partnership with
Japanese Toyo Kohan, Tosyalı Harsco (2017) - partnership with US Harsco, Tosyalı Senegal
(2019), Tosyalı Angola (2020), Tosyalı STS Spain (2024) and Tosyalı SULB (2024) have
been the successful implementations of the global focus strategy of him.
During the 50 - year term of Fuat Tosyalı, Tosyalı group not only widened the gap with its
competitors in domestic market but also managed to be listed among the top 100 global steel
Fuat Tosyalı has also been the Chairman of BMC, one of Türkiye's most established
commercial and military vehicle manufacturers, since 2021.
Fuat Tosyalı is also serving as the Chairman of the Board of the Turkish Steel Producers
Association, Chairman of the Board of Mediterranean Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals
Exporters' Association, Executive Board Membership of Foreign Economic Relations Board
(DEIK) – Africa Business Councils Coordinator Presidency, Senegal Business Council
Presidency, Türkiye Wealth Fund Board Member, Board Membership of the Turkish Tax
Council, Chairman of Türkiye's Automobile EnterpriseGroup(TOGG) aswellasbeingamember
oftheTurkishExporters Assembly (TiM).
Fuat Tosyalı has been honored by many respectful organizations and public authorities:
• 1999 Honorary Award by Turkish Republic President
• 2007 Distinguished Service Medal by Grand National Assembly of Türkiye
• 2017Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Honorary Doctorate
• 2017 People & Environment Award by Istanbul Trade Union
• 2022 Türkiye's Power of Production Award by lndependent lndustrialists' and
Businessmen's Association
• 2024 Ambassador Award by Japan Embassy Türkiye